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Life Coaching with EFT/Matrix Reimprinting, or Psychotherapy — Which is Right for YOU?

Here at Magical-Life Coaching we often combine EFT and Matrix Reimprinting with Coaching, because there are times when Coaching will not be very helpful or effective until you clear some of the negative patterns that are keeping you stuck where you are.

Life Coaching or Therapy?Since I am an experienced EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, in addition to being a Law of Attraction Coach, I can help you clear blocks and limiting beliefs as part of your coaching program. However, I cannot help you with serious psychological issues that require a mental health professional.

How to Decide if You Need Life Coaching with EFT, or Psychotherapy?

Below are two handy checklists to help you choose the most helpful solution. There is no judgement about one list being better than the other. We all go through various stages in life and I’m sure most of us have found ourselves on either list at least once.

If the second list describes you best right now, don’t waste your time and money on Coaching yet. Start with psychotherapy to clear any serious mental health issues.

Once you start to resolve your negative patterns, you will be in a better place to benefit from Coaching.

List #1: Life Coaching with EFT is the best choice when one or more of these are true for you:

  • You feel generally positive
  • You want life to be even better
  • You feel confused about how to move forward
  • You feel stuck
  • You are ready to take responsibility for everything in your life
  • You would like help sorting out your priorities
  • You want to have someone hold you accountable
  • You want to share your ideas with a supportive listener
  • You want to break your plans down into effective steps
  • You are looking for insightful feedback
  • You are open to a new approach
  • You want to choose what you work on
  • You have a goal to accomplish and you want to break it down into smaller actionable steps
  • You are ready to have more fun in life!
  • You want to add some magic to your life

List #2: Psychotherapy is the best choice when one or more of these are true for you:

  • You often feel negative
  • You feel stuck in a destructive pattern
  • You have a harmful habit or addiction you want to break
  • You have serious traumas to clear
  • You feel hopeless
  • You have violent tendencies
  • You are haunted by the past
  • You are depressed
  • You see other people or circumstances as the root of your problems
  • You don’t believe you can ever have what you want
  • You have trouble trusting or working with other people
  • You want help clearing deep core issues
  • Anger, fear, and/or sadness keep you from moving forward
  • You feel like Life, other people, God, or the Universe is against you
  • You don’t believe you deserve to be happy or to have what you want
  • You feel like your life sucks!

A Word About Law of Attraction Coaching

change your story - change your lifeAs your Law of Attraction Coach, I will point out how you are always attracting your own reality with your thoughts and what you focus on. I will listen to the words you use to describe your life and yourself, and I will call you out on negative self-talk if I hear it.

If you feel like your negative self-talk is a bad habit that is hard to break, we can use EFT to clear the patterns that lock in those negative feelings about yourself and your life. If those patterns seem to come from a past memory or experience, we can use Matrix Reimprinting to change them.

In some ways I will act as your mirror. At other times I will help you brainstorm, or act as your cheerleader. I know you have a lot to offer (everyone does) and I want you to recognize your amazing potential.

I have been working with the Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction material since the mid 90s. Following their advice works! I’ve proved it to myself over and over again, so I know it will work for you too.

If you are not familiar with Abraham, I suggest you look for their books, videos, and audio recordings online. That alone may be enough to shift you into the life of your dreams.

If you are looking for personal support, that’s where Coaching comes in. I am happy to assist you.

You are welcome to share your “story,” ideally in writing before your first session, so it doesn’t take up your session time, but that will not be the focus of your Coaching Sessions. (If working with your story is important, choose EFT & Matrix Reimprinting.)

Emerge! magical-lifecoaching.comIn coaching sessions we will be creating a new story where you are the successful and free protagonist who creates a life that keeps getting better and better as long as you live.

Coaching is about moving forward and leaving your old story behind — creating a new lease on life and a brand new story.

Bernadette Wulf - Magical-Life CoachFocusing on the past will only attract more of what you got in the past — and that is probably not the reason you want to hire a Coach!

For more information about EFT and Matrix Reimprinting visit the EFT page at my website.

I’m here to support you in choosing a life of freedom, truth, and magical abundance.

Email Bernadette Wulf

Bernadette Wulf
The Magical-Life Coach!